I think the advertisers who are withdrawing their advertising from Mumsnet (no doubt clammy, shaking and requiring therapy) are seriously missing the point. An advertiser is surely looking to scoop up its largest target audience. If you are advertising on Mumsnet then one would presume that your target audience is, well erm, mums. I think it is frankly hilarious that the advertisers in question must think most mothers are Mary Poppins. Well, I really hate (love) to burst their advertiser’s bubble, but Mary fucking Poppins we ain’t.
I’m so sorry if you find it a little bit scary hearing the ‘f’ word, but after a few (hundred) sleepless nights, it does tend to slip out. Christ knows we were nuns before we had kids, but now the little fuckers (oops, look at me…there I go) push us to voice our thoughts where we feel we can. At Sunday lunch with the MIL, rocking in the corner saying, ‘fuck, fuck, fuck’ under your breath, isn’t deemed appropriate. So we turn to a forum for mum’s, who we know won’t mind the odd expletive. In fact, they’ll actually love it! Because funnily enough, the majority of us mums go through our entire mummy life saying, ‘fuck, shit, bollocks, wankers’ under our breaths on such a regular basis that when the nursery teacher turns to us and asks why our little darling uttered a swear word today, we can only hang our head sheepishly and admit defeat.
But defeated we aren’t! Because places like Mumsnet come to the rescue and bind all of us together (and sometimes against each other) in a communal pool of understanding.
And so, dear advertisers: more fool you if you shun the opportunity to reach millions of fairly like-minded souls. No-one actually gives a fuck.