I need to have a chat with y’all about dishwashers.
Some background: our dishwasher broke at least two years ago. We spent months training 5 tween/teenage girls how to wash up. It became part of their initiation into the real world: pull your weight sunshine, that’s what will get you on in life. There’s no ‘i’ in team etc etc…
It worked a treat: they sorted out their own system of a washer and two dryers, a put awayer and someone to oversee the whole operation. Perfect.
But partner fussed…
He fussed that it was him who was doing the lion’s share of the washing up (vaguely true). He fussed that his hands were suffering (Fairy Liquid claims can go and take a running jump, because that stuff is EVIL!) He just generally fussed.
Now, I am a master at ignoring a fuss. Teenage girls ‘fuss’ about bollocks a lot of the time. Students in my Taekwon-do classes ‘fuss’ and partner fusses…I can spot a ‘fuss’ at a hundred miles and divert it to Mongolia with a well rehearsed brush off.
However, partner’s fuss went on and on. Until, thanks to Tesco Clubcard vouchers, he insisted on buying a new dishwasher.
Now, the new dishwasher is installed. (After a huge stress over plumbing…are you sure you don’t want to pay the extra £10 for them to plumb it in, I innocently cleverly asked?)
Ok. So this morning, as I appeared bleary eyed and slightly hungover in the kitchen, partner leaped on me (metaphorically) and said: I don’t like the way the cutlery basket is on the right hand side. I need it on the left.
Now, here’s the thing. I don’t give a shit about the dishwasher – for me our house ran well without it. I don’t give a crap about baskets and I don’t give a flying fuck which side they are on. So, I am looking at my partner like he is an alien.
Then comes the stacking…oooh (suck in of breath)…you don’t want to put that there…
Actually, I do want to put that there, because it’s a dirty plate and it goes where the fuck I want it to go AND you know what…NOBODY DIES when I put it there.
Or do they? Because I have heard this fuss before, from my ex father in law: you don’t want to put that there…
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…DISHWASHER STRESS!!!
You see, you are so bloody wrong, because I really, really, ACTUALLY do want to place that bowl right there. Partly because I know that, for the rest of the entire evening, it is going to annoy the hell out of you…yes, that one bowl is going to ruin your entire evening, because it is is the ‘wrong’ place.
We have had the dishwasher for 3 days. The jury is out. The girls are still filling the sink with luxurious, bubbly, hot washing up water, because they keep forgetting that we have a dishwasher. Partner is still fussing, but his fuss is diverted to stacking strategies. I am sitting on the fence…but one more comment about how to stack that bloody dishwasher and…